海外ISP向け対処依頼雛型(英文) |
ご注意 この苦情文雛型はトンデモインタ−ネット博物館様のご厚意によりこのペ−ジにて公開させて頂いております この苦情文雛型は日本以外のプロバイダー等への苦情を送る際に限り個人的に自由に使ってくださってかまいません この苦情文雛型は他サイト及び他の媒体への転用転載は出来ません 上記理解されてご使用ください |
以下の文章をコピ−してご使用ください |
Dear Postmaster/Webmaster. I would like to inform you Unsolicited Commercial E-mail(spam mail) considered to have been sent from the domain of your company was received. It would be very thankworthy if you could take the management with investigation possible net abuse that took place in your network and appropriate actions. The whole of the junk mail in question, including an unedited copy of the message with full headers is attached as the following. You could delete this e-mail if it would give you trouble Yours faithfully. -------------------------- Following appending data ---------------------- ヘッダーを含めたメールをここへ貼り付けてください --------------------------- Above appending data ------------------------ |
原文:http://w2282.nsk.ne.jp/~tesco/junkmail/s10.html#eng 著作権:Copyright c 1998-2001 T.Miyazaki All Rights Reserved. 二次使用許諾者:迷惑メ−ル撲滅:管理人桑木野 |
その他の苦情文などへ |