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[63479] ミ渙 ミ岱オムム ミ漬オミケ 投稿者: Angeldrusy 投稿日:124/11/05(Tue) 06:22:53
"ミ曝ウ仍仂 "ミ尨ョ亶ム-亳亰-ミ酉亟" 窶 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム" 窶 "ミ遭ウムム ミ著ウ亶": ム§ー亳亟亠ムxウ仍ム 仂弍于亳仆亠仆亳ム 仂弍ム貫序ー亳仍舒 ム§ウ弍ム 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亠亶 仂ム ム§ケ亠亟ムムxー亳ム
<a href=https://www.vesti.ru/article/1396598>ミ祷ウム仄亠ム ミ慴嶢</a>
6 亳 13 亳ムミ術 ミ湲亳仄仂ムム§ク亳亶 ム舒亶仂仆仆ム鋸キ ムム亟 亞仂ム仂亟舒 弌舒仆从ム-ミ沽ウムxウム弍ムτ亞舒, ム舒ムム§コ舒ムび亳于舒ムム汚カ亶 仗仂 ムムτ汚ウムムxーム ム亞仂仍仂于仆仂亠 亟亠仍仂 邃 1-504/24, ム§ーム序オム鋸ー舒亠仄仂亠 ム 从仂仄仗舒仆亳ム序コ亳 "ミ尨ョ亶ム-亳亰-ミ酉亟", "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム" 亳 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于仂仄 "ミ遭ウムム ミ著ウ亶", 仗ム仂于亠仍 仂ム亠ム亠亟仆ム鋸ウ, ム亠ムムxシ亠 亳 ム§ウ亟ム堅コ仂亠 仗仂 ムム亠ムび, 亰舒ム§ウ亟舒仆亳ム, 仗仂ム§ーム肖汚ウ仆仆ム鋸ウ 亟仂仗ム仂ムム ム§ー亳亟亠ムxウ仍亠亶 仂弍于亳仆亠仆亳ム 亳 仍亳ム, 仗ム亳亰仆舒仆仆ム錦 ム§ケ亠亟ムムxー亳亠仄 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亳仄亳 于 ム舒仄从舒ム ムム亟亠弍仆仂亞仂 ム§ケ亠亟ムムxー亳ム 仗仂 亟亠仍ム
ミ攪ョ 亰舒ム§ウ亟舒仆亳ム肖 弍ム鋸ケ亳 亰舒ム§ケムτ舒仆ム 仗仂从舒亰舒仆亳ム 亞ム舒亢亟舒仆, 从舒从 仗ム亳亰仆舒仆仆ム錦 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亳仄亳, ムxョ从 亳 ム§ー亳亟亠ムxウ仍亠亶 仂弍于亳仆亠仆亳ム. ミ沽シ从舒亰舒仆亳ム 仗ム亳于仂亟ム肖びム 仗仂 舒ム亟亳仂亰舒仗亳ム§カ, 亳仄亠ムム汚ウ亶ムム 于 ム舒ム§ス仂ムム序エ亠仆亳亳 ム亠亟舒从ム亳亳, 亳 ムムxウ仆仂亞ム舒仄仄亠, 从仂ムxシムムτ 于亠仍舒 ムムxシム仂仆舒 亰舒ム汚カムび.


ミ湲亠亟于舒ム亳ムxウ仍ム堅サ仂亠 ム舒ムム§ケ亠亟仂于舒仆亳亠 ム亞仂仍仂于仆仂亞仂 亟亠仍舒 仂ムムτ汚ウムムxー仍ム序ケ仂ムム ミ祷沽。 ミ祷。 ミ慴漬 ミ仂ムム§カ亳 仗仂 弌舒仆从ム-ミ沽ウムxウム弍ムτ亞ム 亳 ミ尨ウ仆亳仆亞ム舒亟ム§ク仂亶 仂弍仍舒ムムxカ. ミ攪ョ ム§ク舒仄ム堅ウ 仗仂亟ムム亟亳仄ム錦 窶 亟亠ムム肖び 亞ム舒亢亟舒仆: ミ据サ仆舒 ミ柘錦§シム从舒ム (亰舒 仗仂仍亞仂亟舒 亟仂 舒ム亠ムムxョ ム于仂仍亳仍舒ムム 亳亰 "ミ尨ョ亶ム-亳亰-ミ酉亟", 亟仂 舒于亞ムτムxョ 2021 亞仂亟舒 ム舒弍仂ムxョ仍舒 亳于亠仆ム-仄亠仆亠亟亢亠ム仂仄 "ミ尨ョ亶ム-亳亰-ミ酉亟", 于 弌ミ侑厘 弍仂仍亠亠 亟于ムτ 仍亠ム), ミ据ケ亠从ム§ョ仆亟ム舒 ミ酉亳亞仂ムム堅ウ于舒 (亟亳ム亠从ムxシム 仂亟仆仂亞仂 亳亰 "ムxウム仆亳ム亠ム§ク亳ム" ムム仍亳ム "ミ尨ョ亶ム-亳亰-ミ酉亟", 于 弌ミ侑厘 弍仂仍亠亠 亟于ムτ 仍亠ム), ミ恫カム舒亳仍 ミ亰仄舒亶仍仂于 (仗ム亠亟仗ム亳仆亳仄舒ムxウ仍ム, 于 弌ミ侑厘 弍仂仍亠亠 亟于ムτ 仍亠ム), ミ葺ケ亠仆舒 弌仂仍仂于ム堅ウ于舒 (亞仍舒于仆ム鋸キ 弍ムτ亞舒仍ムxウム ミ榧榧 "亅从ム§ス亠ムム", 于 弌ミ侑厘 弍仂仍亠亠 亟于ムτ 仍亠ム), ミ据ケム堅コ亳ム舒 ミ祷カ仍ム堅ッ亠ムム (仆亠ム舒弍仂ムxョムム汚ョム, 于 弌ミ侑厘 ム 2023 亞仂亟舒), ミ曝コ亳ムび亳亶 ミ恫ョ亰舒仆仂于 (仗ム亠亟仗ム亳仆亳仄舒ムxウ仍ム, 于 弌ミ侑厘 ム 2023 亞仂亟舒), ミ据サ舒ムxシ仍亳亶 ミ攪ョ仍亳于舒仆 (仗ム亠亟仗ム亳仆亳仄舒ムxウ仍ム 亳 ム亠亞亳仂仆舒仍ム堅サム鋸キ ム仗仂仍仆仂仄仂ム亠仆仆ム鋸キ 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒, 于 弌ミ侑厘 ム 2023 亞仂亟舒), ミ曝ウ仆亳ム 丿亳ム从仂 (仗ム亠亟仗ム亳仆亳仄舒ムxウ仍ム, 于 弌ミ侑厘 ム 2023 亞仂亟舒), ミ曝コ亳ムび亳亶 ミ柘鋸イム亳仆 (仆亠ム舒弍仂ムxョムム汚カ亶, 仗仂亟 亟仂仄舒ム仆亳仄 舒ム亠ムムxシ仄) 亳 83-仍亠ムxサ亳亶 仂ムxウム ミ仂仄舒仆舒 ミ著ョム§カ仍亠仆从仂, 仂ム§サ仂于舒ムxウ仍ム 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 "ミ尨ョ亶ム-亳亰-ミ酉亟" 亳 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒 "ミ遭ウムム ミ著ウ亶", ミ著カ从ムxシム ミ著ョム§カ仍亠仆从仂 (仗亠仆ム§カ仂仆亠ム, 仗仂亟 亰舒仗ム亠ムxシ仄 仂仗ム亠亟亠仍亠仆仆ム錦 亟亠亶ムムxー亳亶). ミ攪ョム亳仆舒ム ム舒ムム§コ仂ムび亠仆亳亠 仗仂 ムムτ汚ウムムxーム, ミ湲亳仄仂ムム§ク亳亶 ム舒亶仂仆仆ム鋸キ ムム亟 仗ム仂亟仍亳仍 于ム§ウ仄 仗仂亟ムム亟亳仄ム鋸コ 仄亠ムム 仗ム亠ム§ウム亠仆亳ム 仆舒 仗仂仍亞仂亟舒, ムムxシ 仂ム§ス舒ム亳于舒亠ムびム 舒亟于仂从舒ムxョ仄亳 于 于ム錦亠ムムxシム肖汚カム ムム亟舒ム.

ミ柘§ウ仄 仗仂亟ムム亟亳仄ム鋸コ 仗ム亠亟ム貫序ー仍亠仆ム 仂弍于亳仆亠仆亳ム 从舒从 于 仄仂ム亠仆仆亳ム亠ムムxー亠 (ム. 4 ムム. 159 丕ミ ミ个) 亳 ム§シ亰亟舒仆亳亳 ム亳仆舒仆ム§シ于仂亶 仗亳ム舒仄亳亟ム (ム. 2 ムム. 172.2 丕ミ ミ个), ムxョ从 亳 于 仂ム亞舒仆亳亰舒ム亳亳 仗ム亠ムムび仗仆仂亞仂 ム§シ仂弍ム汚ウムムxー舒 (ム. 3 ムム. 210 丕ミ ミ个). ミ佯, 舒 ムxョ从亢亠 亞ム舒亢亟舒仆ム§ク亳ム 仂ムxー亠ムび亳从仂于 窶 仗ム亠亢亟亠 于ム§ウ亞仂 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于 "ミ遭ウムム ミ著ウ亶" 窶 亰舒ム汚カム汚ョムム 仗仂ムムxカ 亟于舒 亟亠ムム肖xク舒 舒亟于仂从舒ムxシ于.

ミ ム亞仂仍仂于仆仂仄 亟亠仍亠 221 仍亳ム仂, 仗ム亳亰仆舒仆仆仂亠 ム§ケ亠亟ムムxー亳亠仄 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亳仄, 仗ム亠亟ム貫序ー仍ム肖ム汚ウ亠 仗ム亠ムxウ仆亰亳亳 从舒从 从 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム", ムxョ从 亳 从 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于ム "ミ遭ウムム ミ著ウ亶" (亟仍ム ムム舒于仆亠仆亳ム: ム 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム" 仆亠 仂亟仆舒 ム§シムxサム ムび錦ム肖 从仍亳亠仆ムxシ于 于 ミ仂ムム§カ亳, ム 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒 "ミ遭ウムム ミ著ウ亶" 窶 仂从仂仍仂 20 ムび錦. 仗舒亶ム汚カ从仂于). ミ椈ッム汚ョム ムム仄仄舒 ムτ汚ウム弍舒 于 ム亞仂仍仂于仆仂仄 亟亠仍亠 窶 282 仄仍仆 ムム弍仍亠亶, 仗ム亳 ム采xシ仄 仆舒 ムム亠ムxョム 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒 舒ム亠ムムxシ于舒仆仂 仂从仂仍仂 4 仄仍ム亟 ムム弍仍亠亶, 仗ム亳仄亠ム仆仂 ムムxシ仍ム堅ク仂 亢亠 舒ム亠ムムxシ于舒仆仂 仆舒 ムム亠ムxョム ム舒ムムxサム錦 仍亳ム.

"ミ 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于ム 仗ム亠ムxウ仆亰亳亶 仆亠 弍ム鋸ケ仂, ム§ケ亠亟仂于舒ムxウ仍ム 仗ム亠亟仍仂亢亳仍 仗仂亟舒ムび 亰舒ム序ー仍亠仆亳亠"
ミ湲亳亰仆舒仆仆ム鋸キ ム§ケ亠亟ムムxー亳亠仄 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亳亶 ミ遭シ仍ム序サ 仗仂亟ムム亟亳仄ム錦 仆亠 亰仆舒亠ム. ミ帯鋸ケ 从仍亳亠仆ムxシ仄 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ョ", 舒 ムxョ从亢亠 仗舒亶ム汚カ从仂仄 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒 窶 仆仂 亟仂 2019 亞仂亟舒. ミ 2019-仄 仂仆 于ム錦亠仍 亳亰 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒 亳 亳亰 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ョ", 亠仄ム 弍ム鋸ケ亳 于仂亰于ム舒ム汚ウ仆ム 仗舒亠于ム鋸ウ 于亰仆仂ムム, 亳 仆亳从舒从亳ム 仗ム亠ムxウ仆亰亳亶 从 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于ム ム 仆亠亞仂 仆亠 弍ム鋸ケ仂 窶 ムムxシ 仂仆 仗亳ムム堅コ亠仆仆仂 仗仂亟ムxー亠ム亟亳仍, ム舒ムムxシム亞舒ム 亟仂亞仂于仂ムム ム ム采xカ仄亳 仂ム亞舒仆亳亰舒ム亳ム序コ亳.

ミ椈イ仆舒从仂, 从舒从 ミ遭シ仍ム序サ 仂ムxコ亠ムxカ仍 仆舒 ムム亟亠, ム§ケ亠亟仂于舒ムxウ仍ム ム弍亠亟亳仍 亠亞仂 于 ムxシ仄, ムムxシ 仂仆 窶 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亳亶 亳 亟仂仍亢亠仆 仗仂亟舒ムび 亰舒ム序ー仍亠仆亳亠 仆舒 于仂亰于ム舒ム ム仍亠仆ム§ク亳ム 于亰仆仂ム§シ于. ミ利ョム序ー仍亠仆亳亠 于 ミ慴漬 仗亳ム§ョムび 仆亠 ム仂ムxウ仍, 仆舒 仆亠亞仂 于ム錦仍亳 ム§シムびム亟仆亳从亳, ム§サ舒ム舒仍舒 仗ム亠ムxウ仆亰亳亶 从 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于ム 仆亠 弍ム鋸ケ仂. ミ沽シ仍亳ム亳ム 亠仄ム 仂弍ム貫肖§サ亳仍舒, ムムxシ 仄仂亢仆仂 仗仂仍ムτ亳ムび 亟亠仆ム堅ア亳.

弌ムxョ仍 从仍亳亠仆ムxシ仄 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ョ" 亳 仗舒亶ム汚カ从仂仄 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒 ム亠ム亠亰 ム§ー仂亠亞仂 从仂仆ムム仍ム袴xョ仆ムxョ ミ据ケ亠从ム§ウム ミ著カ仆仂亞ム舒亟仂于舒. ミ著カ仆仂亞ム舒亟仂于 窶 亞ム舒仄仂ムxサム鋸キ 仄舒ム从亠ムxシ仍仂亞, 仂仆 亠仄ム 于亠ム亳仍, ムxシム 仆亠 ム舒弍仂ムxョ仍 于 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于亠. 丼ムxシ 弍ム鋸ケ仂 仗ム亠亟仄亠ムxシ仄 亟仂亞仂于仂ム舒 于 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ウ", 仆亠 仗仂仄仆亳ム. ミ "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム" 于仆亠ム 100 亳 700 亠于ム仂, 舒 于 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于 从舒亢亟ム鋸キ 仄亠ムム肖 于仆仂ム§カ仍 仗仂 12 ムび錦. 于 ムxウム亠仆亳亠 ム§ウ仄亳 仄亠ムム肖亠于.

ミ柘錦亠仍 亳 亳亰 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒, 亳 亳亰 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ョ" 于 2019 亞仂亟ム. ミ利ョム亠仄 于ムムび仗舒仍? "ミ攪ョ于亠ム仆仂亠, 从于舒ムムxカムム 从ム仗亳ムび ム仂ムxウ仍". ミ囗シ仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于 于亠ム仆ム仍 亠仄ム 70 ムび錦. 仗舒亠于ム錦 于亰仆仂ム§シ于, "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム" 于亠ム仆ム仍 ム§シ ムム亠ムxョ "ミ著カムムxョ" 140 ムび錦. ムム弍仍亠亶.

ミ 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于亠 亟亠仆ム堅ア亳 于亠ム仆ム仍亳 仗仂ムムxカ ムム舒亰ム, ム亟亠ム亢舒于 于ムムび仗亳ムxウ仍ム堅サム鋸キ 亳 ム仍亠仆ム§ク亳亠 于亰仆仂ムム; 于 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ウ" 于亠ム仆ム仍亳 仗仂亰亢亠 ム亠ム亠亰 "于仆ムτびム序サ从ム", 仆仂 ム亟亠ム亢舒仍亳 从仂仄亳ムム§カム.

丕ムxー亠ム亢亟舒亠ム, ムムxシ 亠仄ム 亞仂于仂ム亳仍亳, ムムxシ 仄仂亢仆仂 ム§シ ムム亠ムxョ "ミ著カムムxョ" 于仆仂ム§カムび 亟亠仆ム堅ア亳 于 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于. ミ椈ッム貫肖§サム序ケ亳, ムムxシ 亟亠仆ム堅ア亳 仗亠ム亠亟舒ムムびム 于 亟仂于亠ム亳ムxウ仍ム堅サ仂亠 ム仗ム舒于仍亠仆亳亠 ムび亠亶亟亠ム舒仄 亳 弍ム仂从亠ム舒仄, 从仂ムxシムム鋸ウ 亳亞ム舒ムム 仆舒 弍亳ム亢亠. ミ 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于亠, 从舒从 仂仆 ムτxー亠ム亢亟舒亠ム, 仄仂亢仆仂 弍ム鋸ケ仂 从ム仗亳ムび 仄亠ムムxシ 于 仂ム亠ム亠亟亳. ミ沽シ 亠亞仂 ム§ケ仂于舒仄, "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム" 亳 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于 窶 仗仂 ムムτxカ, 仂亟仆舒 仂ム亞舒仆亳亰舒ム亳ム. 丐ム亠弍ム亠ム 于亰ム錦§ク舒ムび ム 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒 弍仂仍亠亠 148 ムび錦. ムム弍仍亠亶 窶 于ムムび仗亳ムxウ仍ム堅サム鋸キ 亳 ム仍亠仆ム§ク亳亠 于亰仆仂ムム, 亳 弍仂仍亠亠 60 ムび錦. ムム弍仍亠亶 ム "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ョ" 窶 从仂仄亳ムム§カム 仗ム亳 于ム鋸ー仂亟亠 ムム亠亟ムムxー.

ミ曝シ亞仂于仂ム ム 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于仂仄 仆亠 ム亳ムxョ仍, 仆仂 亠仄ム 仂弍ム貫肖§サ亳仍亳, ムムxシ 亠ムムび 仆亠于仂亰于ム舒ムxサ舒ム ム舒ムムび 亟亠仆亠亞 窶 亠亠 亳 仆亠 于亠ム仆ム仍亳, "仆仂 ム仂ムム 仗仂仗ム錦xョムび袴ム 于亠ム仆ムτび". ミ湲亠ムxウ仆亰亳亶 从 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于ム "从舒从 弍ム 亳 仆亠ム, 仆仂 亠ム§ケ亳 于亠ム仆ムτ 于亰仆仂ムム, ムxシ 弍ム亟亠ム ム仂ム仂ム仂".

ミ ミ著カ仆仂亞ム舒亟仂于ム 仗ム亠ムxウ仆亰亳亶 仆亠 仗ム亠亟ム貫序ー仍ム序ケ. "ミ恫シ亢亠ム, 仄亠仆ム 亳 仆亠 仂弍仄舒仆ム仍亳 于 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于亠", -ム亠亰ムミ斜狐仂于舒仍 ム§ー仂亠 于ム錦ムび仗仍亠仆亳亠 于 ムム亟亠 ミ遭シ仍ム序サ.

"ミ遭シ仍ム序サ 窶 ム肖从亳亶 仗ム亳仄亠ム "于仂亰亞仂仆从亳 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亳ム", 从仂ムxシム仂亶 亰舒仆亳仄舒仍仂ムム ム§ケ亠亟ムムxー亳亠 亟仍ム ムxシ亞仂, ムムxシ弍ム 仆舒ム亳ム§シ于舒ムび 仄舒从ム§カ仄舒仍ム堅サ仂 弍仂仍ム袴尉τ ム亳ムムム 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亳ム 仂ム 亟亠ム肖xウ仍ム堅サ仂ムムxカ "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ョ", 窶 仗仂亟ム亠ム从亳于舒ムム 舒亟于仂从舒ムび. 窶 ミ亠舒仍ム堅サ仂亞仂 ムτ汚ウム弍舒 仗ム仂ムムxシ 仆亠ム, 亟舒 仍ムミ莞ク, 仗仂 ムムτxカ, 亳 仆亠 ムム亳ムxョムム ム§ウ弍ム 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亳仄亳. 221 仍亳ム仂, 仗ム亳亰仆舒仆仆仂亠 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亳仄 仆舒 ム仂仆亠 从仂仍亳ム亠ムムxー舒 从仍亳亠仆ムxシ于 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ョ" 亳 ム亳ム§ケ舒 仗舒亶ム汚カ从仂于 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒 "ミ遭ウムム ミ著ウ亶", 仆亠 于仗亠ム舒ムxケム序ウム. ミ, 从舒从 仄ム 于亳亟亳仄, 亰仆舒ム亳ムxウ仍ム堅サ舒ム ム舒ムムび 亳亰 ム采xシ亞仂 ム亳ム§ケ舒 窶 仆亠仆舒ムムxシム肖汚カ亠 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亳亠, 舒 仆亠从亳亠 仍亳ム舒, 仗ム錦xョムム汚カ亠ムム 仗仂仍ムτ亳ムび 仆亠弍仂仍ム袴亳亠 ムム仄仄ム, 仆舒 从仂ムxシムム鋸ウ ム 仆亳ム 仆亠ム 仆亳从舒从亳ム 仗ム舒于".

"丐ム亠弍ムτ 于ム鋸ス仍舒ムxカムび ム ムτ亠ムxシ仄 ム仂ムムxョ ム亠仆 仆舒 仆亠亟于亳亢亳仄仂ムムび"
ミ湲亳亰仆舒仆仆舒ム ム§ケ亠亟ムムxー亳亠仄 仗仂ムxウム仗亠于ム亠亶 ミ囗シ仄仂于舒 弍ム鋸ケ舒 从舒从 从仍亳亠仆ムxシ仄 "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ョ", ムxョ从 亳 仗舒亶ム汚カ从仂仄 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒. ミ沽シ亟ムム亟亳仄ム錦 仆亠 亰仆舒亠ム. 丐ム亠弍ム亠ム 弍仂仍亠亠 8800 ムび錦. ム 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒 亳 弍仂仍亠亠 2700 ムび錦. ム "ミ祷ウム仄亠ム§ョ". ミ湲亳 ム采xシ仄 亳亰 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于舒 仂仆舒 仆亠 于ム錦仍舒 亳 亰舒ム序ー仍亠仆亳亠 仂 于ム錦仂亟亠 仆亠 仗仂亟舒于舒仍舒. 弌ム仄仄舒 ムび亠弍仂于舒仆亳亶 从 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于ム 于从仍ムム舒亠ム 从舒从 仗舒亠于ム鋸ウ 亳 ム仍亠仆ム§ク亳亠 于亰仆仂ムム, ムxョ从 亳 仂ム亠仆从ム ム仂ムムxョ ム亠仆 仆舒 仆亠亟于亳亢亳仄仂ムムび, 从仂ムxシム舒ム 仆亠 弍ム鋸ケ舒 仗ム亳仂弍ム亠ムxウ仆舒.

丕ムxー亠ム亢亟舒亠ム, ムムxシ 仄仂亢仆仂 仗亠ム亠于仂亟亳ムび 亟亠仆ム堅ア亳 ム§シ ムム亠ムxョ "ミ著カムムxョ" 仆舒仗ムム序コムτ 于 从仂仂仗亠ム舒ムxカ于 窶 于 仗仂亟ムxー亠ム亢亟亠仆亳亠 仗ム亳于仂亟亳ム ム§クム亳仆ム 仗亠ム亠仗亳ム§ク亳 ム 从仂仆ムム仍ム袴xョ仆ムxョ仄亳 于 ム§コ舒ムムび仂仆亠. 弌ム亟 ム舒亰ム貫肖§サム序ウム, ムムxシ 亟仂从舒亰舒ムxウ仍ム袴ムxー仂 仄仂亢亠ム 弍ム錦び 仗ム亳仂弍ム汚ウ仆仂 仗仂亰亟仆亠亠 仗ム亳 仆舒亟仍亠亢舒ム汚ウ仄 仂ム仂ム仄仍亠仆亳亳.

[63478] kraken 亟舒ム从仆亠ム 投稿者: IsrealCep 投稿日:124/11/05(Tue) 04:13:24
Groundbreaking telescope reveals first piece of new cosmic map
<a href=https://kra17att.cc>kraken ミシミーミウミーミキミクミス</a>
Greetings, earthlings! I窶冦 Jackie Wattles, and I窶冦 thrilled to be a new name bringing awe to your inbox.

I窶况e covered space exploration for nearly a decade at CNN, and there has never been a more exciting time to follow space and science discoveries. As researchers push forward to explore and understand the cosmos, advancements in technology are sparking rapid developments in rocketry, astronomical observatories and a multitude of scientific instruments.
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Look no further than the missions racing to unlock dark matter and the mysterious force known as dark energy, both so named precisely because science has yet to explain these phenomena.

Astronomers have never detected dark matter, but they believe it makes up about 85% of the total matter in the universe. Meanwhile, the existence of dark energy helps researchers explain why the universe is expanding 窶 and why that expansion is speeding up.
Extraordinary new scientific instruments are churning out trailblazing data, ready to reshape how scientists view the cosmos.

A prime example is the European Space Agency窶冱 wide-angle Euclid telescope that launched in 2023 to investigate the riddles of dark energy and dark matter.

Euclid this week delivered the first piece of a cosmic map 窶 containing about 100 million stars and galaxies 窶 that will take six years to create.

These stunning 3D observations may help scientists see how dark matter warps light and curves space across galaxies.

Meanwhile, on a mountaintop in northern Chile, the US National Science Foundation and Stanford University researchers are preparing to power up the world窶冱 largest digital camera inside the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.

In the mountains of Uzbekistan, a research team used lasers strapped to a flying robot to uncover two cities buried and lost for centuries.

The anthropologists said they had mapped these forgotten medieval towns for the first time 窶 located at a key crossroad of ancient silk trade routes 窶 using a drone equipped with LiDAR, or light detection and ranging equipment.

When nature reclaims what窶冱 left of once thriving civilizations, scientists are increasingly turning to remote sensing to peer through dense vegetation.

The images revealed two large settlements dotted with watchtowers, fortresses, complex buildings, plazas and pathways that tens of thousands of people may have called home.

[63477] kraken 亰亠ム从舒仍仂 投稿者: Vincentred 投稿日:124/11/05(Tue) 03:08:08
Europe窶冱 secret season for travel starts now
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Summer might be the most popular season for tourism to Europe, but it hardly promises a calm, cool and collected experience.

Who can forget this summer窶冱 protests against overtourism in Barcelona and Mallorca, the wildfires that raged across Greece during the country窶冱 hottest June and July on record and selfie stoplights to help control crowds on the clogged streets of Rome and Florence?

For travelers looking to avoid all that 窶 as well as break less of a sweat literally and financially 窶 welcome to Europe窶冱 secret season.
From roughly mid-October to mid-December, shoulder season for travel to Europe comes with fewer crowds, far more comfortable temperatures in places that skew scorching hot during the summer months and plunging prices on airfare and accommodation.

Plunging prices
窶弋he cheapest time to fly to Europe is typically from about the middle point of October to the middle point of December,窶 said Hayley Berg, lead economist at travel platform Hopper. 窶廣irfare prices during those eight or nine weeks or so will typically be about an average of 40% lower than prices in the peak of summer in June.窶

Hopper窶冱 data shows that airfare to Europe from the United States during the period between October 20 and December 8 is averaging between $560 and $630 per ticket 窶 down 9% from this time last year and 5% compared to the same timeframe in 2019.

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[63471] kra14.at 投稿者: Danielwhelf 投稿日:124/11/04(Mon) 21:15:00
Europe窶冱 secret season for travel starts now
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Summer might be the most popular season for tourism to Europe, but it hardly promises a calm, cool and collected experience.

Who can forget this summer窶冱 protests against overtourism in Barcelona and Mallorca, the wildfires that raged across Greece during the country窶冱 hottest June and July on record and selfie stoplights to help control crowds on the clogged streets of Rome and Florence?

For travelers looking to avoid all that 窶 as well as break less of a sweat literally and financially 窶 welcome to Europe窶冱 secret season.
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From roughly mid-October to mid-December, shoulder season for travel to Europe comes with fewer crowds, far more comfortable temperatures in places that skew scorching hot during the summer months and plunging prices on airfare and accommodation.

Plunging prices
窶弋he cheapest time to fly to Europe is typically from about the middle point of October to the middle point of December,窶 said Hayley Berg, lead economist at travel platform Hopper. 窶廣irfare prices during those eight or nine weeks or so will typically be about an average of 40% lower than prices in the peak of summer in June.窶

Hopper窶冱 data shows that airfare to Europe from the United States during the period between October 20 and December 8 is averaging between $560 and $630 per ticket 窶 down 9% from this time last year and 5% compared to the same timeframe in 2019.

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